Spruc’d Trade Show Booth Design
Hi folks! Jen and I just got back from WorkBench Con in Atlanta. This year we had a booth and helped makers, providing free one-on-one sketchup tutorials. We wanted our booth to represent who we are, and knew settling for the black curtains and folding table wouldn’t cut it. But we only had a day […]
Workbench CON 2019
Hi folks, Ana here! We’ve been invited to speak at Workbench Con – the conference for makers and content creators in Atlanta this February. But Jen and I wanted to make good use of our time while at the conference, so we are hosting a booth to teach FREE one-on-one sketchup lessons to conference attendees! […]
Top 5 Reasons to Build Your Own Furniture
If you’ve got just a few basic tools, and aren’t afraid of a little work, there are big benefits to building your own furniture. Here are my top five reasons why I love building my own furniture. 1. Save Tons of Money. Building your own furniture can save you big. Many people report saving about […]